Saturday, February 16, 2019

Is A Single Paint Coat Effective To Create The Best Look?

The residential and commercial house owners hire the professional painters for painting or repainting their walls. However, most of these property owners think that they are applying the paint just for making the wall colorful. Thus, they believe that one coat on the walls is much thick to create the best outcome. Though the paint helps in coloring the walls, there are various other purposes. The high quality paint may be long lasting and thick. It also gives the best protection to your walls. However, in few cases, the Painting Contractor Delray Beach may need to apply more than one coat.

How much paint is needed for painting walls?

You may ask your painter - How many coats should you apply for painting the walls? The answer of this question may vary for different factors. The painters, at first, makes out two important things-

•    The number of coats to be applied

•    The area or the surface to be painted

Then, the Painting Contractor in Delray Beach can find out how much paint he has to buy for painting the walls.

Present color of the wall

This is another factor to calculate how many coats your painter has to apply on the wall. While the newly chosen color is similar to that of the old layer, the painters can do the job with very limited amount of wall paint. However, when the new shade is different from the previous paint layer, the painter may apply two to three coats. The past layer of paint may be light or dark, and it can cause a difference to the total number of coating, needed for the best result.

Call your Painting Contractor in Delray Beach, and ask him any question on the painting service for your house.

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